Lesson One
This lesson is designed not only to review the plan of salvation but discusses that much needed assurance, that when we asked Christ to forgive us of our sins, He really did.
Lesson Two
This lesson has been given to help you understand the importance and process of baptism. When should I get baptized? What if I already was baptized? These and many other questions you might have, and they are all answered in this lesson about what we like to call believers baptism.
Lesson Three
In this lesson, you will learn that what you have in Christ is not a religion but a relationship. A relationship is based on communication with God and He with us. As we read His Word, He speaks with us; as we pray, we talk to Him. Learn the value and importance of spending time with God to deepen your walk with Him.
Lesson Four
This lesson, rightly applied, will determine whether you have success or failure as a Christian. Satan cannot change the fact that you have eternal life, but he sure can rob you of the joy of that Christian life by way of temptation so that you will sin.
Lesson Five
This fifth lesson provides to you a clear understanding of what the local church is and what your relationship ought to be to it. The local church should be important to every believer for it is something Jesus Christ gave His life for.
Lesson Six
The objective of this lesson is to encourage you to share the good news of salvation with your acquaintances. That could be a family member, friend, co-worker or neighbor. Listen to the Biblical reasons of becoming a soulwinner and how you can effectively do that.
Helpful Discipleship Information
An Introduction to Discipleship
What is discipleship? Is it simply a Christian buzzword or is it truly something valuable to the work of the ministry? In this video you will be reminded that Jesus set His ministry out by choosing 12 men known as.... you guessed it! Disciples!
The Importance of Discipleship
Matthew 28:19-20 outlines for us the Great Commission that our Lord gave to His disciples and ultimately to us today. But what must be considered is the fact that the Great Commission is not only leading someone to a saving knowledge of Christ. In this video, you will be reminded of the fact that it is given in three parts.